Where in the chain have you put bogofilter?

Tom Anderson tanderso at oac-design.com
Mon Oct 9 17:43:53 CEST 2006

Tony L. Svanstrom wrote:
>  I'm curious where most people have put bogofilter; esp. how you've added it to
> your mailfiltering (procmail, qpsmtpd, SA, milter, .qmail, duct tape), but also
> how many trusted mailservers (ie received-header) there are before bogofilter
> starts working on it.

Here's the relevant portion of my procmailrc:

# Send mail addressed to bogofilter through bfproxy.
# The result of the operation will be output in the email.
* ^TO_tanderso\+bfproxyID
| $HOME/.bogofilter/bfproxy -c bfproxyID -r 9

# Do not execute this recipe if the preceding recipe executed.
         # massage the headers for better filtering
         :0 fhw
         | $HOME/.bogofilter/spamitarium -sread

         # interrogate the body for spam URIs
         :0 fbw
         | $HOME/.bogofilter/stripsearch

         # filter through bogofilter, tagging as spam or not and
         # updating the word lists
         :0 fw
         | bogofilter -uep

         # add back the "From" header for proper delivery
         :0 fhw
         | formail -I "From " -a "From "

Regarding received headers, there's no reason to remove those of your 
own servers since all ham and spam will have them, thus making them 
neutral to classifications.


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