Someone here's got a broken spamfilter...!

Tony L. Svanstrom tony at
Mon Oct 9 15:59:41 CEST 2006

 Here's the situation: You get an off-list reply regarding something you've
written here; and when you send a reply from a different e-mailaddress than the
one used on the list, but with the correct In-Reply-To and References-headers,
you're getting this back: "550 message automatically junked".

 What do you do?
 1. Start questioning what you did wrong?
 2. You send a friendly message via the list without mentioning his name?
 3. You send a friendly message via the list mentioning his name?
 4. You add him quietly to your idiots-list.
 5. You send a less friendly message via the list asking how he can sell
expensive spamfilter-solutions if they aren't even able to use easily available
headers to figure out if incoming message are in reply to some outgoing

 Anyways... It'd be interesting to know what it was that the ASMTP product from didn't like about my e-mail, so if you got the time it'd be nice
if you could check your logs and get back to me. My e-mails usually don't get
caught by spamfilters, but, hey, maybe I've missed something...

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        \_@ @_/                                          \_@ @_/
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       \O/   \O/        ©1998-2006        \O/   \O/

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