Where in the chain have you put bogofilter?

Tony L. Svanstrom tony at moon.pp.se
Mon Oct 9 13:32:16 CEST 2006

 I'm curious where most people have put bogofilter; esp. how you've added it to
your mailfiltering (procmail, qpsmtpd, SA, milter, .qmail, duct tape), but also
how many trusted mailservers (ie received-header) there are before bogofilter
starts working on it.

 If there are a lot of trusted servers adding headers (maybe even doing some
spamfiltering of their own) and you're getting either a lot more spam than ham,
or the other way around, have you then tried/started to remove some of those
headers; in that case, what headers and why (just a hunch, a quick glance at
some stats or based on hard evidence)?

 Sorry if I'm just leeching information from you all, but as I'm redoing things
I thought it'd be good to know what you all are up to; esp. if it matures
enough to earn a spot in contrib/-land.

        /\___/\                                          /\___/\
        \_@ @_/                                          \_@ @_/
   |  perl -e'print$_{$_} for sort%_=`lynx -dump svanstrom.org/t`'  |
       \O/   \O/        ©1998-2006 svanstrom.org        \O/   \O/

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