Train from many IMAP/Maildir folders

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Wed Feb 16 23:52:58 CET 2005

Ben Finney <ben at> writes:

> Since the "re-train from scratch" meme seems to be common for bogofilter
> :-(  I may as well ask about something many users want to know.

I must honestly say that this is supposed to be a rare event, and it
appears you've fallen prey to the "enable write cache by default"
behavior of disk drives.

> I know that training from an mbox is easy; pipe the whole thing to an
> appropriate 'bogofilter' command.  How does one train from folders such
> as IMAP or Maildir?

Bogofilter has no integral IMAP client. It can however read mbox files,
Maildir directories, MH folders and rmail batch files.

> $ (some_command spam-folder-foo/ spam-folder-bar/) | bogofilter -s
> $ (some_command ham-folder-baz/ ham-folder-moo/) | bogofilter -n

For the supported folder formats, these might look like:

bogofilter -sMB some-spam-MH-folder/ some-spam-Maildir/ some-spam-mbox
bogofilter -nMB some-pizza-MH-folder/ some-pasta-Maildir/ some-ham-mbox

I'm not sure what format Cyrus uses to store its databases and if
bogofilter can read it; and bogofilter isn't locking mbox files at this

Matthias Andree

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