IMAP / bogofilter

Chris Fortune cfortune at
Thu Sep 2 21:46:59 CEST 2004

> I already do this using qmail/vpopmail/maildrop/bincimap.
Thanks for the progs

> Each of my users has a SPAM folder containing UNDETECTED and MISDETECTED folders.
Unusual naming convention, but I can see it makes intuitive sense from the user's point of view

> All incoming mail is filtered through bogofilter.
Is this per user wordlists?  Are you using Bogofilter with maildrop?  Does this setup reject mail at the SMTP level?

> If spam is detected it is dropped in the user's SPAM folder.
No legal liability!

> If any spam slips through the user simply drops the mail into the UNDETECTED folder.
> A cron job runs periodically, checking all users UNDETECTED folders and re-processing any messages as spam.
> Similarly, false positives can be dropped into the MISDETECTED folder and re-processed as ham.

Elegant user-trained system.  Nice reuse of resources, and it solves the problem of detecting movement of mail from Spam to Inbox &
vica versa.  Do you find that users drop e-mail into the wrong box?

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