database copying and compacting

Boris 'pi' Piwinger 3.14 at
Sun Nov 7 17:39:00 CET 2004

David Relson <relson at> wrote:

>Agreed.  Possibly something like:
>The additional files needed for Transaction security require special
>handling when copying or compacting a wordlist.  Scripts db_copy and
>db_compact provide the needed capabilities.  To copy a database from
>directory "old" to directory "new", run command "db_copy old new".  To
>compact the wordlist in directory "dir", use command "db_compact dir".

That again looks simpler than you earlier description. Maybe
a concrete example is more useful.

>Actually this information needs to a permanent part of the distribution,
>i.e. should be in the FAQ, possibly as "How do I copy a wordlist?" and
>"How do I compact a wordlist to save space?".  The release notes could
>duplicate the info, and GETTING.STARTED would include a pointer to the



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