something wierd

David Relson relson at
Wed May 21 03:25:55 CEST 2003

At 08:10 PM 5/20/03, Rodney D. Myers wrote:
> > Rodney,
> >
> > Bogofilter's results depend not on how its configured (mailer, paths,
> > etc), but on the contents of the wordlists.  If the two of you have
> > indentical wordlists you should get identical results.  With different
> > wordlists, the results will be different.
>okay.. I'll have him rerun his spam-filter script, which is the
>trainbogofilter script in the /contrib folder, to get his *.db files
>back to "normal".

Hopefully a fresh start (including wiping the old wordlists).

> > Remember what's spam to you may be ham to him, and vice versa.
>Okay, but.... this was run inside his spam folder, which is why I was/am

Being unfamiliar with you/his setup, what's does "inside his spam folder" 
mean and what is the significance of that?

> > Also, the flag combination "-svvu" is self-contradictory.  "-s" says
> > "take this message and register it as spam", while "-u" says "classify
> > this message and add it to spamlist.db if it's spam or to goodlist.db
> > if it's good".  I'll have to check to see why bogofilter didn't
> > complain at the use of "-s" and "-u".
> >
> > David
>I got that script from the sylpheed-claws mail list. It looked correct,
>a few versions ago ;-)

"that script" refers to what?  Can you post the script in its entirety or 
email a copy to me?

>Many thanks on the effort(s).

You're welcome.

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