bogofilter 0.12.2 binary package for FreeBSD 4.X on Pentium-compatible

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Tue May 13 16:57:08 CEST 2003

Sam Hills <rcb at> writes:

> Still no joy.  When I tried that, I got a slew of error messages of the form
>     ./share/xml: user/group/mode not modified: Operation not permitted
> However, it did unpack the tarball.
> I then tried to run bogofilter and I got the following error:
> ?ELF..: not found
> .Ø.4^: not found
> 4^: not found
> ^: not found
> bogofilter/bin/bogofilter: 6: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

Interesting. Does the bogofilter file have the executable flag set? Is
your home directory mounted with execute permission, i. e. without
noexec? (try "mount -v" or "/sbin/mount -v" to figure)

ls -l bogofilter should print something like -r-xr-xr-x in the left-hand
column. If it prints -r--r--r-- instead, see if chmod 555
bogofilter/bin/bogofilter helps.

> Prior to receiving your message, I tried manually unpacking the tarball
> (by simply running gunzip and tar), and got the same error.

Matthias Andree

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