More than one goodlist/spamlist

Chris Wilkes cwilkes-bf at
Wed May 7 23:19:26 CEST 2003

On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 11:19:49AM -0700, Jef Poskanzer wrote:
> Is there a way to tell bogofilter to score based on auxiliary .db files
> as well as the regular pair?  I don't see this option.
> I'm thinking it would be good for a multi-user setup - have a centralized
> spamlist continuously trained on the mail to some spam-trap users, or
> by a feed from or something.  Each user would use their
> own .db files plus the centralized one.  Any registrations they do would
> only go to their own files, of course.

Or how about expanding the idea of Bogofilter to beyond spam so that it
could classify any mail sent in.

If you had a generic email address like problems at that
received all incoming trouble ticket emails, and you had setup your
directory structure like so:
within each of those directories there is a "good" database list.  Then
compare the email's spam score against each one of those directories and
then filter it to the proper one.

So after a couple of emails bogofilter will be able to sort out if the
person's cat went up the tree or if they're reporting a downed power
line, as those keywords ("I smelled some rotten eggs at 14th and
Vine" vs "there's sparks all over the road!!!") will be added to the
approriate list.

That's pretty extreme, but it could be useful in a bug reporting tool,
where you would get a lot of reports of UI errors and you want to sort
them out.


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