More than one goodlist/spamlist

David Relson relson at
Wed May 7 23:28:00 CEST 2003

At 05:19 PM 5/7/03, Chris Wilkes wrote:

>On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 11:19:49AM -0700, Jef Poskanzer wrote:
> > Is there a way to tell bogofilter to score based on auxiliary .db files
> > as well as the regular pair?  I don't see this option.
> >
> > I'm thinking it would be good for a multi-user setup - have a centralized
> > spamlist continuously trained on the mail to some spam-trap users, or
> > by a feed from or something.  Each user would use their
> > own .db files plus the centralized one.  Any registrations they do would
> > only go to their own files, of course.
>Or how about expanding the idea of Bogofilter to beyond spam so that it
>could classify any mail sent in.
>If you had a generic email address like problems at that
>received all incoming trouble ticket emails, and you had setup your
>directory structure like so:
>   ./Maildir/
>     downedpowerline/
>     catuptree/
>     gaslinebreak/
>     needtoclassify/
>within each of those directories there is a "good" database list.  Then
>compare the email's spam score against each one of those directories and
>then filter it to the proper one.
>So after a couple of emails bogofilter will be able to sort out if the
>person's cat went up the tree or if they're reporting a downed power
>line, as those keywords ("I smelled some rotten eggs at 14th and
>Vine" vs "there's sparks all over the road!!!") will be added to the
>approriate list.
>That's pretty extreme, but it could be useful in a bug reporting tool,
>where you would get a lot of reports of UI errors and you want to sort
>them out.


Bogofilter could easily do that.  It doesn't even need to be modified if 
you don't mind building multiple wordlists and running it multiple times.

All it takes is a training corpus for each decision and an appropriate 
script (or recipe) for running bogofilter with each trouble ticket.


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