Keeping highly spammed branch of email transport alive

Matej Cepl matej at
Wed Feb 12 17:11:10 CET 2003


I am using bogofiler primarily through patched
( and there it works like a charm.
However, I have also some old email accounts which I get messages
from through fetchmail (unfortunately, I cannot redirect them to
my main email address) and then filter them via this procmail

   * ? bogofilter -u
      | bogofilter -vv -e -p


After some time it seems to me, that more and more bogofilter
recognize any message coming through fetchmail as spam (see
attached spam message's X-Bogosity). Well, it is mostly true :-),
but unfortunately not always (if it was I would these accounts
off). So far nothing bad happened, but I am afraid that a day
will come when bogofilter will mark as spam anything coming
through that connection.

Is there any way how to mark some words as being always neutral
(like, single-drop, fetchmail-5.9.11, or in this message) so that bogofilter would not
be confused?

   Thanks a lot,


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
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