registering spammails

David Relson relson at
Tue Feb 4 18:58:26 CET 2003

At 12:42 PM 2/4/03, Oleksandr Moskalenko wrote:

>  In my case bogofilter doesn't filter anything into Spam folder at all.
>It used to put everything into the spam folder, but that was resolved
>with help from Greg Louis and Zack Brown. However, then spam emails
>started showing in my Inbox. I saw this thread and tried doing those
>checks suggested.
>This is what I got:
>bogoutil -w . .MSG_COUNT
>                        spam   good
>.MSG_COUNT                0   1973
>bogoutil -d spamlist.db | wc -l
>   25365
>Why is spam message count equal zero whereas spamlist.db has 25365 lines?
>Also, "bogoutil -d spamlist.db | less" lets me see that there are a lot
>of 'good' words in there. Should I remove it and start building the
>spamlist.db anew?

Hello Alex,

You're doing the right thing - reading the list and experimenting with the 
various diagnostic tools.  Unfortunately I don't know enough to say what's 
gone wrong (or right) in the past.

Having things all mucked up, it's time to start afresh.  Remove the old 
wordlists, then register a mailbox, then check results with bogoutil, then 
register the other mailbox, and check results.

When registering a mailbox, it's a good idea to use the "-v" switch.  It 
will give you a summary line detailing number of tokens parsed and messages 
seen.  The command "grep '^From ' mailbox | wc -l" will give you an 
independent message count.

I'm not going to address whether or not spam classified messages are going 
to your In box. If I remember your earlier postings, you're still learning 
procmail (as am I).  Let's get your wordlists built right, then procmail 
can be dealt with.


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