Bogofilter inconsistent spam_subject_tag

David Relson relson at
Fri Aug 1 02:12:35 CEST 2003

At 08:04 PM 7/31/03, Rob Tanner wrote:
>Here's a real oddity.  Bogofilter is configured to add the subject tag
>'[SPAM]' to any message it classifies as SPAM.  What I have started to
>notice is that sometimes while it marks the message as SPAM in the
>X-Bogosity header, it fails to add spam subject tag.
>Is this a known issue, or if not, any ideas as to where to look to start
>to debug it?

Hi Rob,

Something new!  I'd start with "grep spam_subject_tag src/*.c" and see 
where that leads.  Enum value RC_SPAM is another indicator for where to look.

Can you post the Subject: and X-Bogosity: lines from one of the messages?


P.S.  By the way what version of bogofilter are you using?  If not on Linux 
and i386, what operating system and architecture are you using?

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