problems using bogofilter v0.11.1.3

David Relson relson at
Sun Apr 20 05:08:10 CEST 2003

At 10:14 PM 4/19/03, Torsten Kunkel wrote:

> > Torsten,
> >
> > "-s" and "-n" are used to _add_ messages to spamlist.db and
> > goodlist.db.  "-S" and "-N" are used to _remove_ them from the
> > lists.  Commbinations "-S -n" and "-N -s" (also written "-Sn" and "-Ns")
> > can be used to move them from one wordlist to the other.
> >
> > Using "-N" and "-S" without intending to _will_ cause trouble - as you 
> seem
> > to have discovered.
>I used -Ns and -Sn and got the problem. the manpage says: "The -N
>option tells bogofilter to undo a prior registration of the same
>message  as  non-spam."
>My bogofilter didn't undo a registration, it removes any
>registration. I had 8 registrations of message A for Spam, 5 times
>message B for non-spam. Then I say "-Sn" to message C and the counter
>for spammessages was reduced by one.
>I think the manpage is false in this point. Message C and B wer _not_
>the same.
> > Is bogofilter working better now that you've got _that_ problem solved?
>Bogofilter is working ok now.


Perhaps the man page could be worded better. "-N" tells bogofilter to parse 
the message and decrement the goodlist.db counts for each token by 
one.  When "-N" is used with s message that has been registered by "-n" the 
effect is to remove the message from goodlist.db.  Bogofilter cannot tell 
whether "-N" is used with the same message that "-n" was used with.  It 
trusts the user to properly instruct it -- after all, the user _is_ smarter 
than the program.

If you can suggest wording that would be clearer, the man page can be revised.


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