mailing list speed

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Mon Oct 7 13:25:25 CEST 2002

On Sun, 06 Oct 2002, Adrian Otto wrote:

> Based on all your feedback, I'd like to use ezmlm-idx and Postfix together.
> From Matthias' comments below it sounds like that's possible. Can anyone
> direct me toward documentation I can use to guide me through the setup? I'm
> willing to invest some time if I can integrate ezmlm-idx and Postfix.

> Matthias, is this what you are talking about:

Yes. Tried it last week-end (with unmoderated lists), works, but I could
not test bounce handling (that takes 10 days, and I don't know where to
change this).

This is a quick & dirty run-down, I plan to refine this into a general
ezmlm-idx-with-Postfix-HOWTO, so I'll appreciate your feedback.

0. reserve a subdomain for your mailing lists, this makes things
   simpler. I'll call this below. I'll also assume
   that your Postfix runs on Both domains can be
   shared on the same computer.

1. Install Postfix

2. read Postfix' QMQP_README. You will need to add or modify the
   qmqpd_authorized_clients parameter to/in /etc/postfix/ to list
   the IP of your qmail installation. "localhost" is fine here.

3. Install qmail (no need to set up qmail-smtpd or qmail-popup/pop3d)

4. Get ezmlm 0.53 and ezmlm-idx 0.40, patch ezmlm with ezmlm-idx and install

5. put THE IP OF on a separate line in
   /var/qmail/control/qmqpservers ( is fine)
   NOTE: this must match the peer address of qmqpd_authorized_clients.
   If you put e. g. here, you will have to use the
   192.168.0.* interface address in qmqpd_authorized_clients as well.

6. Each time after creating a mailing list, edit its .qmail-listname
   file and put "-Q" after ezmlm-send.

7. add two lines to

628     inet    n       -       n       -       -       qmqpd
qmail   unix    -       n       n       -       -       pipe
        flags=R user=qmailq argv=/var/qmail/bin/sendmail ${recipient}

8. add "" on a separate line to /var/qmail/control/locals

9. add "" to /var/qmail/control/smtproutes --
   Postfix' SMTP client is much better than qmail's, particulary with
   recent snapshots that provide full RFC-1652 (8BITMIME) support.
   ezmlm-idx is supposed to use QMQP, but this won't work with moderated

10. add a line to /etc/postfix/transport       qmail:

11. postmap /etc/postfix/transport

12. postfix reload

> Why wouldn't this approach work for moderated lists?

It would work, but ezmlm-idx would send mail with SMTP, not with QMQP.
Hence step #9 above ;-)

Matthias Andree

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