procmail, mutt and bogofilter problems

David Relson relson at
Fri Nov 15 05:12:55 CET 2002

At 11:01 PM 11/14/02, jerry wrote:

>On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 22:17:18 -0500
>David Relson <relson at> wrote:
> > I'm going to skip commeenting on procmail because I'm not that
> > familiar with it.  Hopefully someone else will chip in with the info.
> >
> > >I am also having difficulties understanding how to have bogofilter
> > >read and update the goodlist/spamlist, I've tried to pass my self
> > >sorted spam list thru bogofilter:
> > >
> > >bogofilter -p /home/jerry/Mail/inbox/spam -s -v -v
> >
> > What version of bogofilter are you using?  The current version 0.8.0
> > would tell respond to the above command line with:
>bogofilter version 0.8.0

Good.  Did you not get the message about the invalid combination of options ???

> > Error:  Invalid combination of options.
> >      Options '-s', '-n', '-S', and '-N' are used when registering
> >      words. Options '-p', '-u', '-e', and '-R' are used when
> >      classifying messages. The two sets of options may not be used
> >      together.
> >
> > Basically '-s' and '-n' are used when you know you have spam (or ham)
> > and are training bogofilter.  '-p' is used when you want bogofilter to
> > classify a message and make a spam/ham determination.  As a last
> > detail, there should be a "<" in front of the file name since
> > bogofilter reads the message from stdin.

If you use the '-s', '-n', '-S', or '-N', bogofilter goes into registration 
mode - reading one or more messages from stdin and updating the 
wordlists.  '-s' and '-n' simply add the words to the spam and ham lists, 
respectively.  '-S' and '-N' effectively transfer an email message from one 
word list to the other (by decrementing counts in the first list and 
incrementing counts in the second).

If you don't use one of the 4 flags above, bogofilter goes into 
classification mode - classifying a single message as spam or ham.  The 
'-p' (passthrough) will write the message out on stdout, along with the 
X-Bogosity line.  If you also add '-u', bogofilter will update the spam (or 
ham) word list depending on whether it judges the messages as spam or non-spam.

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