procmail,mutt and bogofilter problems

jerry jondola at
Fri Nov 15 06:03:01 CET 2002

>Good.  Did you not get the message about the invalid combination of
 > ??? 
 Yes, just seeking further clarification.                               
>Error:  Invalid combination of options.  
>Options '-s', '-n', '-S', and '-N' are used when registering words. 
> Options '-p', '-u', '-e', and '-R' are used when  classifying
>The two sets of options may not be used  together.                     
>Basically '-s' and '-n' are used when you know you have spam (or ham)
>and are training bogofilter.  '-p' is used when you want bogofilter
>to  classify a message and make a spam/ham determination.  As a last  
> detail, there should be a "<" in front of the file name since      
> bogofilter reads the message from stdin. 
> If you use the '-s', '-n', '-S', or '-N', bogofilter goes into
>registration mode - reading one or more messages
>from stdin and updating the wordlists.
> '-s' and '-n' simply add the words to the spam and ham lists,         
> respectively.  '-S' and '-N' effectively transfer an email message
>from one word list to the other (by decrementing counts in the first
>list and incrementing counts in the second).                         
> If you don't use one of the 4 flags above, bogofilter goes into       
> classification mode - classifying a single message as spam or ham. 
>The  '-p' (passthrough) will write the message out on stdout, along
>with the X-Bogosity line.
>If you also add '-u', bogofilter will update the spam (or ham) word 
>list depending on whether it judges the messages as spam
>or non-spam.

Okay, that goes along way to helping me understand
Also I'm receiving dupes of your mail messages, I am subscribed to the
thanks again

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