Can bogofilter run by multiprocess at the same time

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Fri Oct 15 10:03:20 CEST 2004

David Relson <relson at> writes:

> Use the pipe to communicate with a "proxy (spam task)" on the central
> machine.  The proxy would serialize filtering requests, i.e. it would
> collect the complete message, grab a semaphore, run bogofilter, release
> the semaphore, return the status.

David, as far as I know my code, bogofilter should be able to run
concurrently, BerkeleyDB is supposed to handle all sorts of
locking. We're not yet sure where John's bogofilter processes are
hanging, whether inside BerkeleyDB, whether in bogofilter, or whether
something else is amiss. I'm still wondering if popen is the right thing
to do - particularly with a file that is on disk, I would rather fork(),
redirect bogofilter's input and execve() it, rather than popen and
piping into it.

Matthias Andree

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