Can bogofilter run by multiprocess at the same time

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Fri Oct 15 10:00:53 CEST 2004

.™.æ.».Â’. <john.chen at> writes:

> I know. But the emails come from many machines and we don't want to
> setup a bogofilter in every machine. So we decide to setup a central
> machine a handle the spam check. And the emails must be sent through
> socket to this central machine where bogofilter is called. I tried using
> popen-pclose or system() to call bogofilter in a multi-thread daemon
> process. But the test always fail sooner or later.

Can you compile bogofilter with -O -g flags (with gcc) or just -g (when
using a different compiler than gcc), and try to obtain a stack
backtrace when it hangs? (For GDB, find the process ID and type "gdb
bogofilter 12345" (where 12345 is the process ID), then "backtrace",
then "detach", then "quit".) Then show us the backtrace. In my cases,
whenever it hung on Linux, it hung while reading input, which makes me
wonder if the pipe writer in your code is working properly, or if the
Linux libraries are right.

Matthias Andree

Encrypted mail welcome: my GnuPG key ID is 0x052E7D95 (PGP/MIME preferred)

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