Migrating from SpamAssassin to Bogofilter

Kip Warner kip at thevertigo.com
Wed Jun 12 21:09:54 CEST 2013

On Wed, 2013-06-12 at 00:37 +0100, RW wrote:
> Someone who can't cope with simple mail client configuration is
> unlikely to do well. 


> But how do you know whether the user *wants* to use the global
> instance. Think about application servers and shared computers.

It does not matter. If an MUA wishes to use a global instance, then
they connect to the system bus. If they wish for a per user instance,
they connect to the session bus.

> Why do you even assume spamd would be running on the same host? And
> not, for example, in a hosted virtual server. 

I didn't. The actual backend could be on the same machine, a remote
host, in a virtual server, down in Hades, or on Neptune for all an MUA
cares. Even the backend's actual number crunching engine, whatever it
may be, could be executing on a CPU, offloaded to a GPU, APU, or what
have you. It does not matter. That is why DBus proxy objects are
exactly that. They are not the real implementation, but merely a proxy
for a remote object which can be anywhere. This is leveraging the
flexibility and power of an IPC interface architecture.

All that needs to happen is for the service to be registered on the
client machine's system bus, session bus, or both, with one or more
objects and well defined interfaces registered. Methods can be invoked,
properties queried, signals emitted. It's actually quite straight
forward. The MUA need not know nor care where the actual SA backend is
and that is a symptom of a superior design philosophy.

> Not really, almost all of spamd is devoted to managing connections,
> child processes etc. The classification and mark-up are done in a
> library call.

Putting aside for a moment that you are now no longer even in agreement
with yourself, the point you just raised is not a point in your favour.
It is actually all the more reason once again to reduce the convoluted
hoops of the aforesaid with a more sensible migration out of the UNIX
of the 90s to the contemporary free desktop (.org, literally) DBus of
2013. However, there is no technical solution to an attitude problem.


Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
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