Migrating from SpamAssassin to Bogofilter

Kip Warner kip at thevertigo.com
Thu Jun 6 19:52:35 CEST 2013

On Wed, 2013-06-05 at 14:14 +0100, RW wrote:
> To be fair the problems you reported ended-up being Evolution
> plugin bugs.

Kind of. It's at least a problem, or was a problem, with Evolution, but
in my view, was also compounded with poor error control on spamc's part.
This latter view was controversial upstream, but many agreed. In any
case, I offered a patch.


> IMO Bogofilter is a much better candidate for client plugins than
> SpamAssassin. If you use one of the normal ways of invoking it SA
> usually works without obvious problems, but it's not likely to be
> optimal. There are advantages to having it administered by an expert
> at an ESP who can devote time every day, and there are advantages
> to having a tweaked, well setup local installation, but I think a lot
> plugin users are likely to end-up with with the worst of both. 

lol. That's a good way of characterizing it.

> If you have the old mail you could just write a script to train
> bogofilter from the SA headers, but it's better to train from manually
> classified mail anyway - either way I'd suggest stripping X-Spam-
> headers. There is some value in training with historic ham, but spam
> usually comes along fast enough by itself.


> Converting the databases is impractical. Firstly some of the
> tokenization is completely incompatible. Secondly SA stores its tokens
> as truncated hashes, so you'd need a dictionary which you probably don't
> have (AFAIK it's only an option with SQL). 

So basically I'd say the most practical thing to do at this point is to
just retrain Bogofilter with new mail.

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
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