Using BF for scoring text on other types of polarities?

jkinz at jkinz at
Wed Jun 24 21:42:16 CEST 2009

I know people in this list have spoken about using BF for other
purposes besides detecting SPAM. 

Are there any tools or documents, emails etc.. that give any
hints about how you can do this? 

Just fyi- I'm planning on using it on text, not protein data 
or anything like that.  :)

I hope to simply be able to train it using a collection of text
files, one group would be ham (having attribute X). the other
would be the spam group (not having attribute X).

Attribute X would be a topic like C programming, or political
discussions, things I can clearly define as being in or out (with
some unsures.. :) ) 

Anyone got a pointers where I could look for that kind of
information? or any other hints, tips or words of advice? 

Even knowing if this is not something BF can do would be good to
know. :) 

Jeff Kinz.

This text was created using speech recognition software.
Some errors may be present in the transcription.

A: Yes.
>Q: Are you sure?
>>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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