Bogotrain problem

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Thu May 15 10:11:19 CEST 2008

On Thu, 15 May 2008, Anne Wilson wrote:

> I can no longer run bogotrain with the command I've used previously -
> /usr/share/bogofilter/contrib/contrib/ -c -H /home/anne/Maildir/.INBOX.bogotrain_ham/cur/ -S /home/anne/Maildir/.INBOX.bogotrain_spam/cur/
> bash: /usr/share/bogofilter/contrib/contrib/ Permission denied
> ls -l /usr/share/bogofilter/contrib/contrib/
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9145 Jul 23 
> 2007 /usr/share/bogofilter/contrib/contrib/
> What do I need to do to correct this?  I would have thought that I would only 
> need read access?

Scripts to be executed directly (with the interpreter specified in the
"shebang", that is the #!, line at the very beginning) also require
execute permission. Thus, you have two alternatives to fix:

1. run the command under "bash", the line would begin like this:
   bash x /usr/share/bogofilter/contrib/contrib/ -c  ...
   then read permission suffices

2. add execute permission, as in:
   chmod a+x /usr/share/bogofilter/contrib/contrib/
   this will allow running directly.

Another couple of questions:

How did you install bogofilter? Binary package?
If so, what distribution and version?
- Why is there contrib/contrib/, not just contrib/?
- Why does the script lack execute permission?

(so we can possibly resolve this for others, if need be)


Matthias Andree

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