Fighting bogus news spam

Tomaž Šolc tomaz.solc at
Sun Jul 27 13:41:24 CEST 2008

Hash: SHA1


> I currently see some of them in my unsure folder with a 0.9x rating. 
> Until now I just continue to feed them as usual but if those mail 
> will continue to be propagated on larger scale one might thing about 
> it again.

I've just checked the spamicity for the mails I'm getting and they range
from 0.5 to 0.9. I use two-state filtering with default cut-off value

I don't like the idea of lowering the cut-off. With the amount of spam
I'm getting it's impossible to go through the spam box manually and
check for false positives. I do know I get some occasionally even with
this setting because two or three times in the last year I found a mail
I was expecting in the spam box.

By the way, I'm using bogofilter with procmail and constant training (-u

Maybe it's time I switch to three-state filtering? I didn't set this up
in the first place because I didn't saw a particular benefit in this.
You have to read through both inbox and unsure folders anyway, so I
don't see why this is better than just having everything in inbox.

> AFAIR there were some waves with quotes from classical literature to 
> poison statitical filters in the past but so far bogofilter was able 
> to cope with it for me. At least I don't receive daily newsletters 
> with such stuff.

I had pretty much the same experience with those.

Best regards
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