Fighting bogus news spam

paul at paul at
Sun Jul 27 00:20:42 CEST 2008

I have never gotten bogofilter to work in my Postfix-based setup, but what
has been so far 100% effective is greylisting. Assuming spammers get no
smarter, it should work just as well for some time to come.

It's quite simple and like many of the martial arts, it uses the
attacker's own style of attack against them. All email is matched against
a database of known good senders (this is the training aspect, but it
happens continually and without user action): mismatches get returned to
the sending server with a request to retry. On the retry and on all
subsequent deliveries the mail is passed without delay. Since spammers
don't hang around for those kinds of niceties, all their junk drops on the
floor unseen.

I'd like to engage bogofilter as well, but this will do until it gets
easier or I get quicker in the uptake.

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