Non-zero exitcode (1) from "/usr/local/bin/bogofilter"

Tom Anderson tanderso at
Mon Mar 26 21:09:20 CEST 2007

David Relson wrote:
> Dwayne,
> The following command will show your ham and spam message counts:
>   bogoutil -w /path/to/wordlist.db .MSG_COUNT 
> On my mail server, the result is:
>                  spam good 
>    .MSG_COUNT  483086 134377
> If you have a ratio that's way out of whack, 'tis likely a sign of
> trouble to come.  My message counts are high because I've been using
> "-u" since it was implemented 4.5 yrs ago :->
> Regards,
> David

I'm not so sure the ratio is all that important.  Here's mine:

                                  spam   good
.MSG_COUNT                     809440  34923

23:1 would seem to be an extreme ratio, but bogofilter is working 
supremely for me.  I'd wager, so long as you have a decent and 
up-to-date sampling of both ham and spam, the ratio isn't terribly 
important.  There are, after all, likely to be many, many more spams and 
spam tokens than hams and ham tokens, just by the nature of things.


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