spaced out spam words

Tony L. Svanstrom tony at
Sat Jun 10 15:40:04 CEST 2006

On Sat, 10 Jun 2006 the voices made David Relson write:

DR> Good idea.  I think you've got it!  Which engine should we use?

 Well, as you said yourself it probably wouldn't be worth it, but if someone
wants to play around with it I'd recommend taking a look at the work Nokia's
done on their webbrowser, which is based on Apples work, which is based on
KHTML (KDE)... At the end that should give the most bang for less [computer

 If someone's just looking for a quick way to deal with html-comment-spacing
and stuff like that, then I'd recommed taking a look at `lynx -dump`; I used to
use that in procmailfilters to deal with pure HTML-messages, but since it's
mostly multipart nowadays I just use Lynx directly in Pine.

        /\___/\                                          /\___/\
        \_@ @_/                                          \_@ @_/
   |  perl -e'print$_{$_} for sort%_=`lynx -dump`'  |
       \O/   \O/        ©1998-2005        \O/   \O/

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