Bug#293207: bogofilter: Any fix found?

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Thu Mar 10 01:24:19 CET 2005

Karl Schmidt <karl at xtronics.com> writes:

> In the beginning (before the transaction logging), the db files were
> created the first time bogofilter was run with that users ownership and
> umask. If those permissions were lose enough everything worked no matter
> who used them.
> Now - add the new setup that creates log files - the log files get the
>>> CURRENT<< users creation mask and ownership. Now when some other user
>>> tries
> to run bogofilter the permission miss match from the log files return a
> not very useful error from Bdb about db corruption, as it can't read the
> necessary log file.

Welcome to the wonders and mysteries of giving away write
access. set-gid bits on directories can help a bit, as is already
mentioned in the looong message trail in <http://bugs.debian.org/293207>

> Bdb isn't interested in checking ownership. The Bogofilter authors don't
> think it is important (if the user is always the same it works) and it
> isn't precisely their bug. So instead of doing some kind of ownership
> test that would return a useful error, this permission problem will be
> rediscovered and talked about on this list for the foreseeable future.

OK, a stat() and a warning might be in order - and at the same time
annoy other users. The stop-gap solution I'd like to suggest again is to
install sudo along the lines laid out in

I don't think reformulating my post would be difficult but this had
better be done by someone who is less experienced with sudo so he knows
what the user needs to know that I might leave out 'cause I'd take it
for granted.

Matthias Andree
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