SPAN style="DISPLAY: none" spams

Tony L. Svanstrom tony at
Fri Jul 22 19:44:52 CEST 2005

On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 the voices made Chris Fortune write:

CF> been noticing well formed MIME mails that are defeating bogofilter lately,
CF> with scores around .3 :

 Using a combination of spamtraps and automagically checking for ham by keeping
a list of all outgoing message-ids etc, I've found that there's nothing that
the spammers can do that bogofilter won't catch up to sooner or later.

 I'm even using a really old version of bogofilter, and I've done nothing with
the db besides reclassifying the few ham/spam that end up in the wrong inbox
(this is, of course, just a personal set up; protecting my own mail and my

bogofilter version 0.15.4
    Algorithms: Fisher Graham Robinson
    Database: BerkeleyDB (4.1.24), combined

 I'm moving all my mail[whatever] to a new server right now, so I'm about to
start all over again... =/

 One of the things that I'm considering is to either delete all HTML-parts (and
HTML-only e-mails), rejecting them or in one way or another refuse this "HTML-
mess" to even reach as far as where bogofilter must "guess" on if the e-mail is
spam or ham.

        /\___/\                                          /\___/\
        \_@ @_/                                          \_@ @_/
   |  perl -e'print$_{$_} for sort%_=`lynx -dump`'  |
       \O/   \O/        ©1998-2005        \O/   \O/

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