Database security with training only once in a while

Boris 'pi' Piwinger 3.14 at
Sun Jan 16 11:37:09 CET 2005


I still have not upgraded to the new versions since I did
not find to understand all the tricks and changes needed to
keep on running (yes, this is my fault, but anyway, that's
how it is). For the same reason I have not yet updated to work with the new version; my
understanding is that it works except for compacting the
database, so this problem is not too bad.

Now I'm wondering how I should use the new version. Due to
the way I train, I only train once every few days from one
process on a copy of the database. So there is no danger of
problems due to locking failure or something like this. Also
I do have a copy (actually the production database) which is
replaced only after successfully doing the new training.
After that I have two copies of the database. What can
happen is a disk failure, but then I will not be able to use
the new functionality to repair the database. I do have
copies of my mail files on another machine, so in this case
I can build the database from scratch.

Now: Is there any reason for me to use the new feature? It
will just blow up the size of the database, right?

Am I right that I should still be able to replace the
production database by the training database by replacing
all the files?


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