Perl MIME::Parser required by bogofilter RPM?

Roger H.Goun roger at
Sun Jan 9 22:34:57 CET 2005

I successfully built bogofilter-0.93.4-1.i386.rpm from the source RPM on a
Fedora Core 3 i386 system. When I try to install the resulting package I get:

[root at kiera i386]# rpm -i bogofilter-0.93.4-1.i386.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
        perl(MIME::Parser) is needed by bogofilter-0.93.4-1.i386

This dependency failure doesn't occur when I install the pre-built binary RPM
downloaded from SourceForge, so obviously I'm doing something wrong here.

MIME::Parser doesn't seem to have been one of the Perl modules included in
Fedora Core 3, and while I could obtain it from CPAN or from Dag's RPM
repository, I'd prefer to understand what's going on here. The only thing I can
find in the sources that requires MIME::Parser is contrib/mime.get.rfc822.

Can someone please enlighten me? Thanks.

-- Roger

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