questions about database upgrades

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Thu Jan 6 00:27:33 CET 2005

rkimber at writes:

> I'v just upgraded from 0.91.3  to 0.93.3 (snapshot) and am trying to
> understand the implications for the ordinary inexpert user.
> I currently have DB 4.0.14-139x86_64 on my SuSe 9.1 Professional system.

> How do I tell if SleepyCat-posted patches have been applied?

Nevermind, SuSE 9.1 has been my development system for the better part
of 2004. I'd have know if it hadn't worked. :-)

> I understand that I would need a "log file upgrade" if DB is upgraded,
> and that this involves a certain sequence of actions.


> I'm thinking of upgrading to SuSe 9.2, which is likely to have a
> different version of DB.  Am I right in thinking that before I start the
> SuSe upgrade, I would need to run
> bogoutil --remove-environment ~/.bogofilter
> on the 9.1 system?

Right. But SuSE 9.2, just like 9.1, has a "db40" RPM with BerkeleyDB
4.0, which will continue to work without removing the environment.

> Also, if DB were at any time to be upgraded automatically by Yast, am I
> right in thinking that this would screw things up? I.e. I would need to
> put the version on 'hold'.

When doing an upgrade from 9.1 to 9.2, YaST would leave the DB versions
alone, as SuSE have separate packages for the Berkeley DB minor releases
on either SUSE LINUX release - just make sure YaST doesn't deinstall db40.

Matthias Andree

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