Train from many IMAP/Maildir folders

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Thu Feb 17 00:14:48 CET 2005

Ben Finney <ben at> writes:

> Some kind of binary blobs, unreadable by anything else.  It's for that
> reason that I don't use Cyrus :-)  I use an IMAP server that uses
> Maildir folders (in this case, the IMAP server from the Courier MTA).

Yep. As bogofilter knows naught about Maildir++, just pass the
subfolders (the -M is only needed for mbox) like so:

bogofilter -nMB Maildir/ Maildir/.subfolder1/ Maildir/.subfolder2/

Replace -n by -s as required.

Matthias Andree

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