All mails have spamicity=0.5200000

Robin Bowes robin-lists at
Mon Dec 12 15:57:22 CET 2005


I've recently (6th Dec) moved to bogofilter 1.0.0 and ended up starting
again with an empty wordlist.

I'm running bogofilter from maildrop like this:

BOGOARGS="-e -p -u -d"

Since then, I've accepted around 3000 msgs. I'm manually training by
dropping spam into a Spam/Undetected folder and processing this from a
cron job using the following command:

 $BOGOFILTER -Ns -d $BOGODIR < $message

However, all msgs are still only getting a spamicity rating of 0.520000.

bogoutil -H shows this:

score   count  pct  histogram
0.00        0  0.00
0.05        0  0.00
0.10        0  0.00
0.15        0  0.00
0.20        0  0.00
0.25        0  0.00
0.30        0  0.00
0.35        0  0.00
0.40        0  0.00
0.45        0  0.00
0.50        0  0.00
0.55        0  0.00
0.60        0  0.00
0.65        0  0.00
0.70        0  0.00
0.75        0  0.00
0.80        0  0.00
0.85        0  0.00
0.90        0  0.00
0.95    31504 100.00 ################################################
tot     31504
hapaxes:  ham       0 ( 0.00%), spam   19807 (62.87%)
   pure:  ham       0 ( 0.00%), spam   31504 (100.00%)

It looks to me like something's not quite right.

Any suggestions?


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