(no subject)

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Wed Nov 10 23:40:40 CET 2004

Robin Bowes <robin-lists at robinbowes.com> writes:

> I then tried to install the resulting rpm:
> [root at compact root]# rpm -Uvh 
> /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/bogofilter-0.93.0-1.i386.rpm
> error: Failed dependencies:
>         perl(MIME::Parser) is needed by bogofilter-0.93.0-1.i386
> Why is this? The binary RPM from sourceforge does not require this 
> module. How come the rpm I built myself does?

Welcome to the dark side of RPM - its distribution-dependent scripts and
its awfully incomplete documentation. The dependencies are determined by
a distribution-specific script, and David is building the binary RPMs on
Mandrake Linux. If you're using Red Hat or Fedora, scripts may be
different, and SuSE scripts are again different.

You can either try to figure out which RPM contains the Perl
MIME::Parser module and install it, or just ignore the problem and add
"--nodeps" to your rpm command - MIME::Parser is needed exclusively for

Matthias Andree

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