Setup help: UW-imap and default folders (RH 9)

Chris Wilkes cwilkes-bf at
Mon Nov 8 20:14:28 CET 2004

On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 12:39:13PM -0500, Todd Slater wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 07:59:14PM -0800, Chris Wilkes wrote:
> > Not being familiar with non-maildir (that's where every email is its own
> > individual file, and every IMAP folder is a subdirectory off of the
> > INBOX with a period in front of it, ie '.spam') what I would do is:
> >   * create a new user
> >   * as that user create those new IMAP folders
> >   * see what the directory and file structure is like
> >   * recreate that under /etc/skel/
> > I think this would be under the directory "Mail/" but I'm not sure.
> On my system it looks like mboxes are in ~/mail/. I'm not sure how to
> get the "mail system software" to create those directories in /etc/skel.

I've never used /etc/skel/ before so I tried it out, and from what I can
tell it just uses that as model for what to put in a user's directory.
So if you have
when you create a user it will have a ~/foo/bar.txt file, which is the
same as the one under /etc/skel/.

So what you could do is create a dummy account and populate it with
email in the various folders like you did.  Then recreate those
file/folders under /etc/skel/ .  Perhaps there's a way to personalize it
by putting in the real person's name?  Like I said I haven't used skel
that much.

> Maybe I need to use qmail or postfix?

Nope, no need -- although I would recommend looking into using maildir
format (all mail servers can save local user's email in this way).
You'll also have to use a maildir-aware IMAP server if you go this

Are you creating these directories so that a user will see them through
IMAP and squirrelmail?  You might also want to look into incorporating
into your script that creates a user a process to mail them a "welcome
to the mail server" email which will always go into their INBOX and
another one that will always go into their spam.

You can either do this through the mail server, or figure out a way to
use procmail to put it in the correct folder.  There's probably some way
to do this with mbox folders -- with maildir you could use the "safecat"
utility to crete a new mail message in a folder.


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