support for multiple wordlists

David Relson relson at
Mon May 17 17:36:35 CEST 2004

On Mon, 17 May 2004 11:17:32 -0400
Tom Anderson wrote:

> From: "David Relson" <relson at>
> > At one time, bogofilter had support for multiple wordlists.  I'm
> > thinking of resurrecting the code.  Here's how I think it should
> > operate:
> Love it!!!  I think we're ready for this now.
> >   wordlist=user, ~/wordlist.db, 6, R
> >   wordlist=ignore, ~/ignoreist.db, 7, I
> >   wordlist=system, /var/spool/bogofilter/wordlist.db, 8, R
> In this above example, the ignore list would only apply to the system
> list, but not ignore tokens in the user list?  If an ignore list has a
> lower priority number than all others, then words will first be
> ignored before looking them up in any of the regular wordlists?


> > Note 1: bogofilter's registration flags ('-s', '-n', '-u', '-S',
> > '-N' ) will apply to the first list named.
> Will we rely on filesystem permissions, or build in seperate
> permissions for updating system wordlists?  I suppose a group could be
> created for the purpose of allowing only select people to register
> certain lists.  I assume registration flags won't apply to ignore
> lists?

As always, bogofilter relies on filesystem permissions.  I see no point
in complicating bogofilter by implementing its own permission scheme.

> > Feedback requested :-)
> How about this:
> wordlist=whitelist, ~/ignorelist.db, 5, I
> wordlist=global_zoology_whitelist,
>, 6, I
> wordlist=primary, ~/wordlist.db, 7, R
> wordlist=system, /var/spool/bogofilter/wordlist.db, 8, R
> wordlist=zoology_spamtrap,
>, 9, R
> wordlist=general_spamtrap,
>, 9, R
> Where, obviously, people could maintain wordlists and ignorelists for
> select groups of people with similar kinds of email.  The above likely
> belonging to a zoologist.  Being able to retrieve wordlists from
> remote sites (perhaps cached once a day locally, or else searched one
> token at a time remotely via some server-side code) I think would be a
> huge advantage.

Again, I don't see value in adding "remote database" code to bogofilter.
 wget and rsync already exist and can do retrievals perfectly well.


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