qmail and bogofilter

Jozef Hitzinger hitzinger at phobos.fphil.uniba.sk
Mon Mar 8 08:23:52 CET 2004

Hi Adam,

I'm using bogofilter and qmail on woody. I prefer each program to do it's
task, so my setup goes so that bogofilter is called from .qmail (users who
don't like it may turn it off), bogofilter adds the header and then
maildrop is used to sort and deliver it (again, users can tweak it as they
like). Most of it I found on the web:


|preline /usr/local/bin/qmail-bogofilter


/usr/bin/bogofilter -d /etc -p | /usr/bin/maildrop

- either -
(to move spam to mbox and then use .procmailrc to sort rest)

if (/^X-Bogosity: Yes*/)
        to mail/spam/bogo

to "|reformail -f1 |procmail"

(to move spam to sqwebmail maildir and deliver rest to maildir)

if (/^X-Bogosity: Yes*/)
        to Maildir/.Spam/

to Maildir/

note that .mailfilter must be chmod 600 and you have to maildirmake

> As a secondary question, does bogofilter often corrupt or "wig out" when
> using libdb3 on Debian woody?  Ie: should I go build libdb4 until sarge
> goes stable (it has both bogofilter *and* libdb4!  yahoo!)?

I've got source for 16.3 from unstable and recreated .deb on a woody
system, no problems so far. However, I'm not using any methods to update
the db, cca once a month I recreate it from scratch, including reported

jozef  :-)

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