info about spam messages

Greg McCann greg at
Fri Jun 11 20:25:44 CEST 2004


>i would like to feed the access list
>from the results of bogofilter.

I would think twice about automatically blocking any address classified as spam by bogofilter.  Bogofilter cannot be 100% accurate, and before long you may end up blocking messages from your own server!  For example, I send out a monthly summary of spam blocking activity to the rest of the people in my office.  This message invariably ends up getting classified as spam by bogofilter.  If I was automatically blocking based on bogofilter results it would lead to disaster.  (Yes, I need to add something to .procmailrc to allow this message to bypass bogofilter.)

The only automatic blocking I do is for spamtrap addresses.  I have a dynamic blackhole zone set up on my dns server, and any email to a spamtrap bypasses bogofilter and goes straight to a script that extracts the sender's IP address and updates the dynamic dns zone.  I use a sendmail rbl check to block mail from any address listed in the blackhole zone.  To keep the zone from getting much too big, I keep a database of blocked addresses and automatically expire them after n days of inactivity.

Greg McCann

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