info about spam messages

David Relson relson at
Fri Jun 11 15:01:24 CEST 2004

On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 15:37:46 +0300
Tayfun ASKER wrote:

> hi david,
> i have gone through the unfortunately, bogofilter does 
> not produce the necessary information.
> to reject a spam message at MTA level, i need to know its From:
> address or source ip address. it would be very usefull if bogofilter
> also logged these values of the spam tagged messages. since bogofilter
> can catch most of the spam traffic, we can build our own black list
> using the logs of bogofilter.
> thank you.
> Tayfun

Hi Tayfun,

It's likely not too hard for bogofilter to cache some more info about
the message and make it available via the formatting mechanism.  I'm
thinking of additional format specifications:

   I - ip address
   F - From: address

And you could then change your file to include:

  log_header_format = %h: %c, spamicity=%p, version=%v, ipaddr=%I,

Sound reasonable?


P.S.  If memory serves, bogofilter has been processing spam in Turkey
for a while.  I'm quite sure there have been other messages from Turkey
on this list.

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