A suggestion for non-ASCII Scoring

Boris 'pi' Piwinger 3.14 at logic.univie.ac.at
Fri Jan 23 21:22:38 CET 2004

"Greg McCann" <greg at cambria.com> wrote:

>In spite of having classified thousands of non-ASCII messages as spam, using the "replace_nonascii_characters=yes" option, a couple of non-ASCII messages still get through my filter every day.  (bogofilter version 0.15.4)

That is a clear sign that you have some problems with your
database. It could be that your training contains some
errors or your parameters are inappropriate. Maybe it is
just that the replacement is not a good choice for you.

I haven't seen Asian spam for ages, even though I don't use
replacement. And I can clearly separate my non-ASCII mail.


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