speeding up bogofiltering

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Fri Dec 3 12:24:31 CET 2004

Tom Allison <tallison at tacocat.net> writes:

> As you can guess, procmail and maildrop occupy much of the same space in 
> the mail environment.  To just pick one and get on with your life is 
> probably more productive than trying to decide which is ultimately the
> best.

More productive? maildrop for sure. Faster to learn, easier to read, and
less surprises during actual use.

> For me, procmail is very easy and simple to set up for what I do with 
> it.  There are some other options that procmail can do, with stored 
> values and variables, has never been something I've never been 
> confortable with.

Do you place


after each and every other rule in your .procmailrc? No? Then you know
why maildrop is "more productive" - no more hunting your mail since
procmail chose to fall-through to the next rule without telling you...

Matthias Andree

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