does the X-Bogosity line mess up spamicity calculations?

Trevor Smith trevor at
Thu Aug 5 06:07:33 CEST 2004

On August 5, 2004 12:37 am, David Relson wrote:
> Unless your "here" is really different, it should work.  Commands
> "bogofilter < file" and "bogofilter -I file" are functionally


OK, I just had a thought and hit the 'view with a fixed font' option in KMail 
and... voila! The mystery resolved!

-I != -l

(If you can't see the difference between those two switches, you are likely 
suffering, as I was, from a font that represents capital "eyes" very much 
like lower case "ells".)

> equivalent.  The first reads from stdin and the second opens "file" and
> reads from it (instead of stdin).  Odds are that you committed a grave
> user sin -- having a typo in your test command.

Indeed. :-)

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