Has bogoutil gone batty, or have I?

Benji Tittle benji at tittle.net
Tue Sep 9 02:34:04 CEST 2003

Ok, I'm getting some REALLY bizzare output from bogoutil.  I've tried this
with both bogoutil and bogoutil_static, versions 0.15.0 and 0.15.2.  Am I
just completely misunderstanding the man page?

I'm expecting the following command to print all tokens with a count of 

$ bogoutil -d wordlist.db -c0 

...and this command to print out all tokens with a count of two or fewer:

$ bogoutil -d wordlist.db -c2

Now here's the rub... I'm expecting there to be more tokens that match the
2nd command than match the 1st, since the first should be subset of the 
2nd, right?!?

Here're my test results:

$ bogoutil -d wordlist.db -c0 | wc -l
$ bogoutil -d wordlist.db -c1 | wc -l
$ bogoutil -d wordlist.db -c2 | wc -l


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