try to use bogolexer 0.15.7 on messages with attaches

Mike Lykov combr at
Wed Nov 5 12:32:51 CET 2003

Hi all.

Following David Relson advice, I take mailbox with non-spam messages, which 
bogofilter with old bases incorrect classify as spam.

first of all, explain to me value of tokens 
bh bs hi bo bt bl.

As I can see: hi - header, bh - html, bs- stylesheet in html part, bt - base64 
data (bo, bl - can't figure out).

But why i see such lines:

*** 145 bo 64 font-family:Arial'><o:p> </o:p></DEFANGED_span></font></p>
(must be bh?)
*** 283 bh 77 dHA6Ly93d3cuc29mdGxpbmUucnUvYWQuYXNwP2NhdGFsb2clNUZuYW1lPVNvZnRM
(must be bt?)
*** 286 bo 77TEU+PCEtLSDq7u3l9iDi5fD17f//IO/r4Pjq4CAgLS0+PCEtLSDr7uPu8ujvIOg
(must be bt?)
*** 287 bs 77 4CDs5e3/5fLx/ykgLS0+DQo8VEFCTEUgaGVpZ2h0PTEwNiB3aWR0aD0iMTAwJSIg
(must be bt?)

I encounter it in this case:

*** 226 bt 77 IFNvZnRMaW5lDQp1bnN1YnNjcmliZSBTZW1pbmFycw0KPG1haWx0bzpzdWJ
*** 227 bt 77bmUtZGlyZWN0LnJ1P3N1YmplY3Q9dW5zdWJzY3JpYmUgU2VtaW5hcnM+IC
*** 228 bt 53 IO7yIO3u4u7x8uXpIPHl7Ojt4PDu4iBTb2Z0TGluZQ0KDQoNCg0K              
*** 229 bt  1                                                          

(above all ok - end of encoded file and begin another)
*** 230 hi 44 ------=_NextPart_000_EF17_01C3507A.A8F2C320                       
*** 231 hi 25 Content-Type: text/html;                                          
*** 232 hi 18   charset="koi8-r"                                                
*** 233 hi 34 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64                                 
*** 234 hi  1                                                                   

All ok

*** 236 bl 77 L0VOIj4NCjwhLS0gc2F2ZWQgZnJvbSB1cmw9KDAxMjQpZmlsZTovL0M6XERvY
*** 237 bs 77 ZCUyMFNldHRpbmdzXG9zb2tpbmFcTG9jYWwlMjBTZXR0aW5nc1xUZW1wb3J
*** 238 bs 77 dCUyMEZpbGVzXE9MSzg0XNHl7Ojt4PDx6uD/JTIw8ODx8fvr6uAzLmh0bSAtLR

Not ok - new base64 part recognized as html, stylesheet and unknown to me bl?

Excuse if all ok, but I mistaken somewhere ;)

registered linux user #315334
jabber id: combr at

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