something wierd

David Relson relson at
Wed May 21 01:10:38 CEST 2003

At 05:54 PM 5/20/03, Rodney D. Myers wrote:
>I'm using sylpheed-claws as my mailer, along with a friend of mine.
>Earlier today, I sent him a file, to register his email as spam;
>SPAM/SPAM: cat %F | /usr/local/bin/bogofilter -svvu
>which on my system takes the individual email, and marks it as SPAM. On
>his identical system, I set his up, this same "script/action" marks the
>spam as "GOOD", and notes it in his ~/.bogofilter/goodlist.db.
>Any ideas as to why his system would be doing that?
>I don't have a screen shots. :-(


Bogofilter's results depend not on how its configured (mailer, paths, etc), 
but on the contents of the wordlists.  If the two of you have indentical 
wordlists you should get identical results.  With different wordlists, the 
results will be different.

Remember what's spam to you may be ham to him, and vice versa.

Also, the flag combination "-svvu" is self-contradictory.  "-s" says "take 
this message and register it as spam", while "-u" says "classify this 
message and add it to spamlist.db if it's spam or to goodlist.db if it's 
good".  I'll have to check to see why bogofilter didn't complain at the use 
of "-s" and "-u".


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