Site Configuration Queries

Bryan Roberts bryan at
Mon May 19 06:11:35 CEST 2003

> An alternate approach is to have someone monitor bogofilter's results and 
> make needed corrections on the server.  This is labor intensive, but done 
> well can produce higher quality results in less time.

That would be me.... I thought I'd try to minimise my workload by giving it to 
everyone else ;-)

> The forwarded details shouldn't matter too much.  Suppose joe at 
> gets 100 messages all from badguy at  Initially they're all 
> classified as ham though 5 should have been spam.  joe forwards them to 
> spam at and the messages are passed through "bogofilter -Ns".  The 
> counts for "joe" will change from 100/0 (ham/spam) to 95/5, which is what 
> you want.  "badguy" and "" may still have counts of 100/0 
> (depending on the headers in the forwarded messages).  Future spam from 
> badguy at will have some parts that bogofilter considers ham, for 
> example "badguy" and "", as well as all the words in the message 
> body.  The more numerous body words will (sooner or later) outweigh the 
> relatively few header words (like "badguy" and "") and allow the 
> new message to be classified as spam.  Over time, the spamicity of "badguy" 
> and "" will change from 100% ham towards 100% spam.

I found a nice button on my mail client that does a redirect rather than a 
forward which should help speed up the process.

I've trained it with the list and I'm about to setup all our 
sent mail to automatically add to the training set too.
> I hope this has been helpful!

Great thanks for the explaination.

We'll see how it goes over the next few months....


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