What is wrong with my procmailrc

Greg Louis glouis at dynamicro.on.ca
Mon Jun 23 12:53:52 CEST 2003

On 20030623 (Mon) at 1146:21 +0200, Alexander Borghgraef wrote:
>  I have included the following lines in my procmailrc (as described in 
> the bogofilter man-page), but it doesn't seem to be doing anything:
> :0HBc:
> * ? bogofilter
> mail/spam

That says, pipe a copy of the message to bogofilter; if bogofilter
returns 0 status (meaning it's a spam), save the copy in mail/spam but
go on processing the original.  As pi suggested, if bogofilter is not
in the execution path with which procmail runs, a nonzero return code
will be provided and the copy will be discarded, and procmail will go
on processing the original as if the rule weren't there at all.

>  Another test I did was negating the bogofilter output in the procmailrc
> file, copying all the good files to mail/spam. This worked like a charm.

That would be consistent with bogofilter not being found on procmail's
execution path.

> So I wonder, what is the standard output by bogofilter? It obviously isn't
> 1/0, so is it the spamicity? When I do cat spamtest | bogofilter, it 
> doesn't seem to return anything to stdout, so how does it work?

Try cat spamtest | bogofilter -v (and, for experimentation, -vv and
-vvv).  Also try -tv.

| G r e g  L o u i s          | gpg public key: finger     |
|   http://www.bgl.nu/~glouis |   glouis at consultronics.com |
| http://wecanstopspam.org in signatures fights junk email |

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