multiple virtual users on then same system user

Simon Huggins huggie at
Mon Jun 16 16:32:32 CEST 2003

Salut Eric!

Please keep stuff on the list.

On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 04:22:02PM +0200, Eric Persson wrote:
> Simon Huggins wrote:
> >I'm afraid I don't understand your problem.  Why can't you just use
> >bogofilter -d /path/to/some/dir when you invoke it?
> Yes, oh, forgot that there already was a -d option, the problem is
> that it just modifies the place of the wordlists, not the Maildir
> where mail should be left of, or am I wrong. Hmm... think I must have
> missed something here.

Bogofilter doesn't deliver to a file, it's just a filter.  It takes a
message and adds a header to it and spits it out on the other side.

Afterwards things like procmail or another MDA actually deliver the mail
to your users.

_| Documentation is worth it just to be able to answer all your mail  |_
 |                       with 'RTFM' - Alan Cox                       |
 `- - -'

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