using systemwide Bogofilter AND user Bogofilter together

Jake Di Toro karrde+bogofilter at
Mon Jun 9 15:25:27 CEST 2003

On Sat, Jun 07, 2003 at 04:35:21PM +0000, Pollywog wrote:
> I set up Bogofilter systemwide, to run from /etc/procmailrc, but
> when users have their own Bogofilter setup, it does not work.
> I thought that individual users could override the system Bogofilter
> by having their own ~/.bogofilter installed.  Is there a way to get
> it to work?  I did add the following to my /etc/
> user_config_file=~/.bogofilter/config

I recently set this up myself, although mine is a system of 4 users w/
me being the only person with a personal setup. 

The way I went about it was to not try to run the system or the
personal.  But to run the system in /etc/procmailrc, and then run the
individual in my ~/.procmailrc.  You just need to make sure that you
correctly specify BOGOFILTER_DIR in both places, and access the proper
config scripts.

In typing this up it's occured to me how to do it all from the

* ? test -d $HOME/.bogofilter

	:0 fw
	| /usr/local/bin/bogofilter -f -e -p -l -c $BOGOFILTER_DIR/config


:0 E

	:0 fw
	| /usr/local/bin/bogofilter -f -e -p -l -c $BOGOFILTER_DIR/config

Of course replace command line switches and directories as
appropiate.  But this will only run the user/system as appropiate and
avoid running bogofilter twice as I'm doing right now.

Till Later, Jake <karrde+bogofilter at>
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